Inaugural lectures

The T-shaped Lawyer and Beyond: rethinking legal professionalism and legal education for contemporary societies (Eleven International Publishing, The Hague 2017) - inaugural lecture Utrecht University, 19 June 2017
Available from Eleven International Publishing

The Possibility of a European Judicial Culture (Erasmus Law Lectures 38, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague 2015) - inaugural lecture Erasmus University Rotterdam, 21 November 2014
Available from Eleven International Publishing



Judicial Decision-Making in a Globalised World: A Comparative Analysis of the Changing Practices of Western Highest Courts (Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2013; paperback edition 2015)
Available from Hart Publishing

De rechtspraak in balans. Een onderzoek naar de rol van klassiek-rechtsstatelijke beginselen en ‘new public management’-beginselen in het kader van de rechterlijke organisatie in Nederland, Frankrijk en Duitsland (Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen 2007)
Available from Wolf Legal Publishers
Full text available in the online repository (RePub) of Erasmus University Rotterdam


Book chapters (selection)

E. Mak & D.S. Law, ‘Transnational Judicial Communication: The European Union’, in D.S. Law (ed), Constitutionalism in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2022), p. 236-260

E. Mak, ‘Het gezag van de juristen; een normatieve reflectie’, in A. Berlee, M. Bovens, J. Buiting, A.R. Mackor, E. Mak, J. Silvis and E. Tjong Tjin Tai, De toekomst van de jurist, de jurist van de toekomst. Preadviezen Nederlandse Juristen-Vereniging 2020 (Wolters Kluwer, Deventer 2020), p. 9-30
Full text available online

Articles (selection)

‘Judicial Self Government in the Netherlands: Demarcating Autonomy’ [2018] German Law Journal 19(7), p. 1801-1838
Full text available online

‘Researching judicial ethical codes, or: how to eat a mille-feuille?’ [2018] International Journal for Court Administration 9(3), p. 55-66
Full text available online

(with Niels Graaf and Erin Jackson) 'The Framework for Judicial Cooperation in the European Union: Unpacking the Ethical, Legal and Institutional Dimensions of "Judicial Culture"' [2018] Utrecht Journal of International and European Law 34(1), p. 24-44
Full text available online

(with Sanne Taekema) ‘The European Union’s Rule of Law Agenda: Identifying Its Core and Contextualizing Its Application’ [2016] Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 8(1), p. 25-50
Full text available online

‘Watch Out for the Under Toad: Role and Method of Interdisciplinary Contextualisation in Comparative Legal Research’ [2015] Erasmus Law Review 8(2)
Full text available online

‘Case Selection in the Supreme Court of the Netherlands – Inspired by Common Law Supreme Courts?’ [2015] European Journal of Current Legal Issues 21(1)
Full text available online

(with Urszula Jaremba) ‘Interviewing Judges in the Transnational Context’ [2014] Law and Method 05
Full text available online

‘Globalisation of the National Judiciary and the Dutch Constitution’ [2013] Utrecht Law Review 9(2), p. 36-51
Full text available online

‘Judicial Review of Regulatory Instruments: The Least Imperfect Alternative?’ [2012] Legisprudence 6(3), p. 301-319
Abstract available online

‘Reference to Foreign Law in the Supreme Courts of Britain and the Netherlands: Explaining the Development of Judicial Practices’ [2012] Utrecht Law Review 8(2), p. 20-34
Full text available online

‘Understanding Legal Evolution through Constitutional Theory: The Concept of Constitutional (In-)flexibility’ [2011] Erasmus Law Review 4(4)
Full text available online

‘Why Do Dutch and UK Judges Cite Foreign Law?’ [2011] Cambridge Law Journal 70(2), p. 420-450
Full text available on ResearchGate

‘The European Judicial Organisation in a New Paradigm: The Influence of Principles of “New Public Management” on the Organisation of the European Courts’ [2008] European Law Journal 14(6) p. 718-734
Full text available on ResearchGate

‘Living with a French Heritage: A Comparative Analysis of the Greek and Dutch Highest Courts’ Quest for Legitimacy in a Changing Context’ [2008] Applications of Public Law, p. 1013-1044
Full text available on ResearchGate

‘Balancing Territoriality and Functionality: Specialization as a Tool for Reforming Jurisdiction in the Netherlands, France and Germany’ [2008] International Journal for Court Administration, nr. 2, p. 2-9
Full text available online

See also my profile page at Utrecht University and my author pages on ResearchGate and SSRN